Monday, April 14, 2008

Cross Browser Rounded Borders Using Sprites

I was reviewing techniques for rounded borders and came across this. It uses four background images for each of the corners; however, they're not using a sprite. So, we'll do it with a single sprite. Once we're done, we'll have something like this that works on all the major browsers ( IE6/IE7, Firefox, Safari and Opera ) --

First, we'll take the four corner GIF images that they have, make them transparent ( using a bitmap editor ) and then use a sprite generator to create our sprite as well as the supporting CSS. I like to use the one from Website Performance.

Next, we'll take the layered approach which means that we'll nest absolutely positioned elements in a relatively positioned container. So, the four corners, the two horizontal and vertical lines are absolutely positioned.

Here's the structure --
    <div class="b2">
<div class="border-container">
<div class="sprite-tl2"></div><div class="sprite-tr2"></div>
<div class="horz-line top-line1"></div>
<div class="horz-line top-line2"></div>
<div class="content">
We're using sprites for rounded borders. This implementation works in IE6/IE7, Firefox 2.0.x, Safari 3.1 and Opera 9.27. <a href="">Read more.</a>
<div class="border-container">
<div class="sprite-bl2"></div><div class="sprite-br2"></div>
<div class="horz-line bottom-line1"></div>
<div class="horz-line bottom-line2"></div>
<div class="vert-line left-line1"></div>
<div class="vert-line left-line2"></div>
<div class="vert-line right-line1"></div>
<div class="vert-line right-line2"></div>

and here's the CSS --
.sprite-bl2{background: url(roundsSprite3.gif) 0 -30px no-repeat; position:absolute;width:11px;height:10px;top:0;left:0;}
.sprite-br2{background: url(roundsSprite3.gif) 0 -70px no-repeat; position:absolute;width:11px;height:10px;top:0;right:0;}
.sprite-tl2{background: url(roundsSprite3.gif) 0 -110px no-repeat; position:absolute;width:11px;height:10px;top:0;left:0;}
.sprite-tr2{background: url(roundsSprite3.gif) 0 -150px no-repeat; position:absolute;width:11px;height:10px;top:0;right:0;}
.content{padding:10px 10px;font-family:verdana;font-size:93%;}
.horz-line{position:absolute;border-top:1px solid #EC9E3C;width:50%;}
.vert-line{position:absolute;border-left:1px solid #EC9E3C;height:50%;_height:2em;}

It's all pretty self-explanatory. You can view the sample and the source here. Feel free to use and improve it!
Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Actually, it does not work in ie6/7

skypoet said...

Actually, it does. Can you provide more details?

Anonymous said...

When I open it in IE6/7 or IE8(compatibility mode), the side bars disappear.
I have no issues when using Firefox, IE8 and Chrome.
The issue seems to be the combination or AUTO hight and percentage for the sides. The old IEs cannot use percentage without specified height. I see that you have the _height element for IE6, but the size needs to be little longer ,at least in my IE6 (I am not sure if websites look different between different hot fixes of the browser. I have the unadapted version running of windows server 2003).

Anonymous said...

Same here, doesn't work on IE5.5, IE6 and IE7 (try IETester, it's an app where you can run them all together)

skypoet said...

Oh, that's embarassing! Yes, it doesn't work in IE6/7. Yes, it has to do with specifying the height of the container.

I have separate browsers to check this on so I must have went to sleep or something.

EG said...

You should probably... fix it? Or at least don't advertise it as a cross-browser solution.